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Hungerhill School

ICT Champions

The ICT department has identified a number of talented students who have demonstrated a real passion for ICT and computing. These students have had the opportunity to work within the department to create and develop resources, as well as assisting the technical support team.

Specifically, students have been required to perform a variety of tasks, including supporting staff on information evenings, training days, and assemblies. They have been responsible for maintaining hardware, updating software, installing applications, developing learning resources such as video tutorials, pages on SharePoint, and designing educational applications.

During their time working within the department, students have developed skills in a range of areas in addition to ICT and computing, such as communication, team work, self management, and organisational skills. Students have been a real asset to the department and we are always looking to recruit new students to work with us. Any student interested in working with the department should contact the ICT department.