Update on school water pressure
Update: Tuesday 13th March at 7:40 pm
We are pleased to say that this weekend's remedial measures to increase our water pressure have been effective. Our water pressure remains stable and all students have access to sufficient toilets and washrooms without using the portable toilets which we have secured as a contingency.
Tomorrow, our kitchen staff will provide a hot lunch as well as cold lunches and we hope to be fully operational by the end of the week. Yorkshire Water will be working with us over the Easter holidays to secure a permanent solution to the problem.
Once again, we would like to thank students, parents and staff for their patience.
Update: Monday 12th March at 5:20 pm
Further to the notice below, the school is open tomorrow (Tues 13th March) as normal for all year groups. The school will be serving cold lunches only and we will look to implement a phased return to hot lunches towards the end of the week. Thank you all for your patience and support.
Posted Sunday 11th March at 3 pm.
The school will only be open to years 11 and 10 tomorrow, Monday 12th March, with a planned full opening for all students on Tuesday. The school will be open to all staff.
As you are aware the school has been experiencing ongoing issues with its water supply. Yorkshire Water and the site team have worked over the weekend to find a temporary solution by increasing the water feed into the school.
However, further tests will need to be undertaken when the school is fully operational. We have been advised, as a contingency, to open the school in the first instance just for years 11 and 10. We have also ordered a number of portable toilets which will be sufficient to keep the whole school open should we need to use them during the week. Some will be delivered tomorrow and others on Tuesday.
The school kitchen will, in the first instance, continue to provide cold lunches. The water supply will be monitored carefully and if possible, hot lunches will be provided by the end of the week.
We are hoping that the school will be open to all students on Tuesday but this will be dependent upon the water supply being robust enough and further tests tomorrow.
We will keep our website updated and continue to communicate through texts.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you but we are sure you will appreciate we cannot keep the school open without being able to guarantee that it is safe to do so. Years 7, 8 and 9 should still be able to access work through their Frog home learning accounts as well as Mymaths. They are also able to review last week's work ready for this week's lessons. Our priority is to open the school for years 11 and 10 as some students have exams this week.
Thank you for your patience and support. Thank you also to the emergency personnel who have supported us through the weekend.