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Hungerhill School


Thank you for visiting our website. As a former student, we are eager to find out more about you since you left school and strengthen links with our former alumni.

Our goal of helping you to keep in touch and retain your connection with the school is a lifelong one that we hope will be mutually beneficial.

You can remain involved with the school in many ways.

First and foremost, please keep us posted on where you are and what you are doing. We are hoping to create a network of former students who may also be willing to come into school to share some of their experiences with our curr​ent cohort of students, and perhaps give something back to the school community by being a mentor, volunteer, or part of our enrichment programme.

If you are interested in supporting the school in any way, please feel free to contact the school Reception. Alternatively, we would be happy to receive a brief email outlining what you have done since leaving Hungerhill School; your achievements and what you are most proud of. You may also like to include something about your time at the school.

As Headteacher, I appreciate your support and value your continued involvement with Hungerhill students, staff, and alumni. I shall look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs L Pond