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Hungerhill School


Within geography our key aim is to stimulate students curiosity and a wonder of the world around them and give students the confidence to interact with the wider world, leading to fulfilled and positive life experiences. Geography offers the opportunity to study a range of topics that investigate the physical processes of our planet, human societies and the key economic and environmental challenges facing the world. Geography encourages students to ask questions, develop critical thinking skills, and progressively layers a deeper understanding of complex concepts as the course unfolds. Geography is also designed to give all students the confidence and experience to help inform and shape ideas; investigating both human and physical dimensions of a diverse range of stimuli. The geography department strives to enable students to become informed global citizens and role models for the future and set a trail for others to emulate.  

Our curriculum will: 

Develop the character of all students 

  • Students will be exposed to a broad range of challenging subject matter that requires them to be analytical and evaluative whilst also encouraging them to reflect and empathise to appreciate the human dimension to these issues. 

  • Students will understand that the issues and concepts they investigate are multifaceted and requires a balanced and open mindset with a sense of enquiry becoming second nature as the curriculum develops. 

  • Students will appreciate that all concepts and issues they study require them to explore complex interactions and interrelationships whilst understanding these impacts need to be appreciated at many different scales.  

Mr C Spruce 

Assistant Trust Director of Geography

Mr C Booth

Curriculum Leader 

Ensure all students are literate and numerate 

  • Students will interact with a diverse range of texts and be encouraged to write in different genres throughout the course with a variety of techniques being employed to investigate these texts and opportunities to write extensively. 

  • Geography places a great emphasis on developing opportunities to discuss, debate and listen critically to different opinions throughout the many topics as the human dimension is so central to the subject.  

  • Numerical data and map skills are an integral part of geography with students given numerous opportunities to apply these numerical skills to real world examples and problems to further their geographical understanding. 

Build knowledge and aspirations of all students 

  • Geography uses a range of strategies to deepen knowledge so that is committed to long term memory with recycling and retrieval being key elements embedded in the curriculum design.  

  • The curriculum is based on the notion that knowledge underpins and enables the application of skills and the design ensures that both are entwined.  

  • Students are taught to apply their knowledge to a variety of both familiar and unfamiliar contexts from around the world and crucially see errors throughout their journey as  learning opportunities to promote future resilience.  

Ensure all students have the secure foundations to progress into further education and employment 

  • Geographers will develop key skills that will prepare them for life as the curriculum focuses on ; strong analytical and research skills, critical analysis and the ability to judge evidence. 

  • Geography is concerned with preparing students with the knowledge to understand many of the challenges that are facing society and the environment in their future lives. 

  • Geography allows students opportunities  to tackle problems and examine big issues at a variety of scales and from different perspectives which are attributes that are desirable for future employability.  

Develop cultural capital of all students 

  • Students will explore a diverse range of places and cultures throughout the course they might otherwise  never see to improve their social, cultural, moral and spiritual understanding of the world around them. 

  • Students will learn about how political decisions and powerful economic forces are bringing about change in ways that will affect their future careers and lives. 

  • Geography encourages students to learn by experience and values fieldwork as an integral part of the curriculum and will develop a passion  to further explore, discover and protect their planet. 


Geography KS3

Main skills developed in Key Stage 3:  
  • communicate appropriately including using ICT and using geographical vocabulary
  • use fieldwork techniques and collect/record/present evidence
  • draw maps, plans, and graphs
  • developing a range of PLT's within a variety of contexts
  • ​collect/record/present and analyse and draw conclusions
  • appreciate values and attitudes


​How parents can help to support their son's/daughter's learning in Key Stage 3:  
  • regular checking of home learning and asking questions
  • encouraging your child to take a regular interest in the news and the weather
  • encouraging the use of maps (e.g. when visiting friends and relatives or going on holiday)

Geography KS4

Exam Board:





Examination 100%

(three papers: 35% physical geography, 35% human geography, and 30% fieldwork and decision-making paper, based on extended projects during class time)

Outline of course content:

You will learn about some important 21st century geographical issues based on studying real places and environments. You will develop an awareness of how people and places affect each other.

Geography explores issues surrounding tropical storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, climate change, deserts, rivers, and coasts. Human geography explores issues surrounding poverty, population, cities in the 21st century, energy, and jobs. Fieldwork will be undertaken at a variety of locations exploring issues to do with coasts and cities throughout, with an emphasis on developing critical research skills that are essential for the 21st century student. A key element will also be developing the ability to deal with problem-solving through decision-making exercises aimed at analysing the main issues facing our world at the moment.

Outline of course structure:

You will learn to make reference to different sources of information, such as maps and fieldwork data. You will develop your skill at communicating clearly in a variety of ways, to interpret different types of maps, images, data, and other sources using ICT where appropriate.

You will develop the ability to enquire, to think clearly, analyse, and interpret evidence critically, and to give conclusions based on evidence.

You will also develop practical fieldwork skills during trips planned within the course, such as coasts and cities, or even a residential trip, to develop skills.

Careers using Geography

Good at knowing where you're going?

Geography is about people, places, and the environment throughout the world. It investigates natural and human environments - what they are like, how they are changing, and how they are related. Studying geography is useful for a wide range of careers.
Whatever level you achieve by studying geography, there are lots of careers where you can use the skills you have developed. Geography is a good background for working in the following job areas:
  • Travel and tourism
  • Landscape architecture
  • Environmental conservation and Ecology
  • Cartography (map making)
  • Surveying
  • Oceanography
  • Transport and logistics
  • Planning (town and country)
  • Geology
  • Meteorology
  • Estate management
  • Teaching

The skills used in geography can be a good basis for many other careers including management, accountancy, marketing, ICT, the Civil Service and local government, library, and research jobs. 


Getting started and progressing

If you're keen to pursue Geography, your first step is to get good GCSE grades before you start a sixth form or college course.


You normally need A-Levels or the equivalent, such as a relevant BTEC Level 3 National qualification, to be able to study a degree. For those offering A-Levels, Geography may be required or a preferred subject for entry; however, for some courses no particular subjects are specified. Check individual course entry requirements, as they do vary.


Geography can be studied as a single subject in many Universities, or it can be combined with almost any other subject you can think of. There are also specialist degrees in geology or geophysics, environmental geography, and marine geography to consider. There are some sandwich degrees, which include a period(s) of work experience.