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Hungerhill School


Our PSHE curriculum aims to guide and support students in their journey towards becoming healthy, independent and responsible members of the community; through the development of their knowledge, skills and attributes. Throughout their time at Hungerhill, students will explore the rights and responsibilities associated with being a member of a diverse society, and subsequently develop the confidence to tackle a wide range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that they are likely to encounter in their transition from childhood to adulthood. Our PSHE Department strive to develop students’ self esteem, health and emotional wellbeing and enable them to form and maintain worthwhile and fulfilling relationships based on respect for themselves and others at home, school and in the community. 

Our curriculum will: 

Develop the character of all students 

  • Students develop a robust set of skills and attributes that will enable them to confidently face life’s challenges and opportunities, now and in a fast-changing future. 

  • Through the exploration of diversity within society, students are encouraged to become ‘self-aware’, whilst understanding the importance of neighbourliness and community spirit; tolerance and respect; honesty, integrity and dignity. 

  • Students will be exposed to a vast range of topics relating to health and wellbeing; stimulating curiosity and intrigue, as well as equipping students with the confidence, optimism and motivation to engage in positive behaviours and lifestyles as they progress into adulthood. 

Ensure all students are literate and numerate 

  • A scenario-based curriculum in PSHE enables students to be exposed to a broad range of texts, including newspaper articles, case studies and Government guidelines relating to health and the law. 

  • Students are encouraged to develop their emotional literacy skills through an exploration of the use of speech to effectively communicate emotions and feelings regarding physical and mental wellbeing and social diversity. 

  • Opportunities to contribute to numeracy skills are provided through financial awareness units, where students calculate budgets using income and expenditure; and also examining calorie intake through diet and exercise. 

Build knowledge and aspirations of all students 

  • Our PSHE curriculum equips students with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. 

  • The knowledge acquired by students is accurate and relevant, underpinned by high-profile case studies and relevant laws where appropriate, and opportunities are provided to turn such knowledge into personal understanding. 

  • Students are taught to apply the knowledge they acquire to real-life scenarios, encouraging them to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and aspiring to understand what influences their decisions. 

Ensure all students have the secure foundations to progress into further education and employment 

  • Students develop an understanding of themselves, empathy and the ability to work with others, thus assisting them to form and maintain good relationships, develop the essential skills for future employability and better enjoy and manage their lives. 

  • Students are encouraged to be enterprising, being supported in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices. 

  • A study of risk-taking behaviours, including gambling and online safety, in addition to effective financial management provides students with the foundations to achieve economic wellbeing. 

Develop cultural capital of all students 

  • Our PSHE curriculum centres on spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, in addition to British Values, with an overall aim of providing students with the essential skills to become well-rounded and confident individuals. 

  • Through a taught awareness of the diverse society in which they live, students are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. 

  • Students explore topics that have a personal impact on their day-to-day lives and communities, thus developing their understanding of their world and the impact personal decisions can make on their lives, as well as developing critical thinking skills. 

Mr M Fletcher
Curriculum Leader



Personal, Social & Health Education KS3

Main skills developed in Key Stage 3:
  • Organisational skills
  • Communication and listening skills
  • Comprehension of a variety of different types of text
  • Demonstrating empathy for those in a range of different situations and circumstances
  • Developing relationships and working with others
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Self-development, critical reflection and taking responsibility for own actions
  • Decision-making and managing risk in a variety of contexts and scenarios


​How parents can help to support their son's/daughter's learning in Key Stage 3: ​​​
  • Talk about issues explored in PSHE lessons
  • Encourage an interest in the news and topical issues in society
  • Use the online safety newsletters to keep up-to-date with social media apps and trends, and reinforce an understanding of how young people should keep themselves safe online

Personal, Social & Health Education KS4

Exam Board:

This is a non-examination course

Outline of course content:

This is a course of study, where students are exposed to a wide variety of topics that are relevant to their everyday lives, health and wellbeing, both inside and outside of the classroom. In Year 9 students will complete the PSHE course through a two, one-hour lessons per week during the first term; whilst Years 10 and 11 will take part in three Curriculum Focus Days, which pull together a series of classroom based lessons and external visitor sessions. The content is delivered in a series of units, which incorporate topics ranging from drugs, crime and the law; to career planning and guidance, and relationships and sex education. Alongside this content, students are able to develop a range of transferrable skills, such as reflective learning, teamwork and effective participation, and independent enquiry. As a result, PSHE aims to prepare a young person leaving Hungerhill at sixteen with the skills, knowledge and awareness to successfully manage and navigate some of the many varied challenges life presents".

Outline of course structure:

Throughout the three years, students will develop a variety of different skills. These cover a wide range of personal development areas. Here is just a selection of some of the descriptors of their skills:

  • independent inquirers
  • creative thinkers
  • reflective learners
  • team workers
  • self managers
  • effective participators

The core values enable our students to become:

  • Respectful of people and property
  • Empathetic towards others
  • Honest
  • Successful leaders