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Hungerhill School

Study Skills and Retrieval

The Hungerhill Study Skills Programme

Over the last two years, we have undertaken a project to explore a number of highly effective strategies that can be used by students to enhance learning, centred around embedding knowledge and also preparing for assessments. This has been developed into the Hungerhill Study Skills Programme. All students have a Study Skills booklet which includes information on retrieval of knowledge, learning techniques, command words, the five revision strategies, organisation, revision timetables and wellbeing.

When students were asked how they revise for assessments, the most common responses were: read/re-read or copy out exercise books/revision guides and highlight key words/phrases.

Research shows that these strategies are actually the least effective in allowing students to retain information over a long period of time (Strengthening the Student Toolbox, Dunlosky 2013). For this reason we feel it is important to work with our students on how to revisit, revise and prepare for assessments.

Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve shows how important it is to revise effectively. It shows that when you first learn something, the information disappears very quickly and you lose most of it in the first couple of days. It also shows that the more times you revisit and review learning, the better you will remember it and commit it to long term memory. Using the strategies in the Study Skills booklet should help students make accelerated progress and recall more from what they have learned.


We have researched the most effective revision/retrieval strategies and taken advice from Hungerhill staff to develop our 5 key strategies:

  1. Retrieval clocks
  2. Knowledge organisers
  3. Flash cards
  4. Mind maps
  5. Flow charts

Our vision is for all students to be familiar with each strategy and be able to utilise them to aid their learning. In addition, we aim to provide parents with an insight into how students are being encouraged to use Study Skills, allowing parents/carers to assist and support students with their studies.

Students have been exposed to the ideas and strategies in the Study Skills Booklet through assemblies and form time activities. In support of this, departments across the school will be using each strategy in their subject area, as well as encouraging our students to create their own versions.

Please see the links below for a copy of our Study Skills booklet and a summary of each revision/retrieval strategy, which also includes advice for parents/carers on how you can support your child with each strategy.