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Hungerhill School


At Hungerhill, our careers education and guidance programme is designed to build skills in our students for lifelong success in a diverse and ever-changing world of further education and work. Together with a range of career professionals, businesses and training providers we will support students’ career development in a number of ways including:

  • Information and discussion in lessons and assemblies to help them make decisions about their future.
  • Activities and events such as our 16+ Destinations Evening for Year 11, employability days, mock interviews and careers events for all year groups.
  • Access to careers advice in a variety of ways including one-to-one appointments and drop-in sessions during school time with the opportunity to speak to our Independent Careers Adviser.  
  • Open Door availability of our Careers Lead for any questions or concerns or help with applications.
  • Information and updates on a number of noticeboards around school, common resources on the school network, plasma screens, the school website and our Twitter page. (follow us on Twitter at @HHCareersDept).


Mrs Z  Ryder-Elson

Mrs R Hancock

ELT Lead for Careers SLT Lead for Careers


Tel: 01302 885811 Tel: 01302 885811

Mr John Jackson

Mrs E Walton

Independent Careers Advisor Careers Lead
Email: Email:
Tel: 01302 885811 Tel: 01302 885811

CAREERS GUIDANCE-  John Jackson provides a bespoke careers advice service to our students. We ensure that individual careers guidance interviews are available to all students at key times. Support is also always available to students and parents/carers at parents' evenings.

Parents are encouraged and are welcome to attend careers interviews. Parents requiring further information about the careers service support can email John

ENTERPRISE ADVISOR - We are delighted to be partnered with Craig Barsby, Learning and Development Manager at local and global company Hitachi Rail. An Enterprise Advisor works directly with a school to help develop its careers programme and support events which take place throughout the year.


Please click on the above image to open it in a new tab.

The photos below show our students enjoying the many careers’ experiences we offer at Hungerhill

In a bid to further support our students in the world of work, 2022 -2023 sees the launch of employability skills across the curriculum.