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Hungerhill School


Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Education at Hungerhill

At Hungerhill School we believe that the spiritual, moral, social and cultural  development of students plays a significant role in their ability to learn and thrive. Therefore, our education provides opportunities for students to explore and demonstrate their values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, excellent standards of personal behaviour, a caring attitude towards others, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the rich diversity of other cultures. 

All curriculum areas contribute to our students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

All Hungerhill staff promote and model the high standards of behaviour we expect from our students. Students learn to identify and articulate the difference between right and wrong and take responsibility for their actions.   

Furthermore, our students learn to understand their rights and responsibilities and the importance of respecting the rights of others. All curriculum areas seek to use illustrations and examples drawn from as wide a range of cultural contexts as possible.  

Spiritual Development

The Hungerhill curriculum enables our students to:

  • be reflective about their own beliefs and perspective on life 
  • gain knowledge of, and respect for, different faiths, feelings and values 
  • feel enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them 
  • use imagination and creativity in their learning 
  • be willing to reflect on their experiences 

Examples from across the Hungerhill Curriculum:


Evidence of Current SMSC Opportunities


Text based curriculum covering a range of different cultures and backgrounds.


Form Reading initiative includes a range of fiction texts themed around cultures, religions and the wider world.


Through a range of reading strategies, students are encouraged to empathise with characters and compare to their own experiences.


Pi is a number that goes on forever in a non-repeating and unpredictable way.  As such, your birthday WILL be in the decimal digits of pi.  This never fails to blow the students’ minds!  Another example is the number of ways a pack of cards can be shuffled.  It is so unbelievably vast that we need convoluted descriptions to even get close to understanding its magnitude.


- We cover many ethical issues including human transplants, stem cells, animal (drug) testing, Cloning, Genetic engineering and selective breeding. Students can discuss advantages and disadvantages of the techniques.

- Many sciences lessons allow students to learn how science links to themselves and the world around them and their place in the universe.

- Promote the ore and wonder of science through exciting lessons, practical and real-world links.

- We give chances for students to be creative in science through the KS3 science fair where students have freedom to produce work on an area of their choice.

Art and design

Art allows students to explore a variety of topics that link to the world around them. KS3 and KS4 students will learn about a variety of artists through projects, giving them an understanding about the artist and their work. Students will experiment with a variety of styles to find what works best for them, challenging individuals to explore themselves as an artist.

The art department nurture creativity by allowing independent thinking, experimenting, risk taking and exploring media and new ideas. Art allows students to be independent learners helping them to develop ideas which are their own. Students are encouraged to voice their own opinions within the classroom during class discussions, self and peer assessments.

All students will understand that they must be respectful of each other’s views and opinions during class discussions.


KS3: Through the Votes4Schools topics discussed in Citizenship lessons, students learn to reflect on their own beliefs and others’ by discussing ethical questions e.g is technology the answer to improving accessibility?

Design and technology

Through the curriculum we offer and deliver at both KS3 & 4 learners are taught how to investigate products from to design to manufacture and end of life.  By understanding the aesthetics, functionality, evolution and analysis of how products support and enhance our daily lives. Learners are encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills and explore the world and design icons around them.  They are taught to reflect upon what they see and develop creative and innovative solutions.


Students will reflect on their own values through exploring what it is like to live in informal settlements and as a victim of natural hazards such as an earthquake.


All Geography lessons show the interconnectness of the world we live in.


Y8 students have explored conflicts around the world and reflected on their values and how this is different to their lives.


We have a knowledge-based curriculum covering a range of different cultures and backgrounds. 


History teaches the changes in attitudes and social mores throughout the centuries. We discuss moral issues relating to authoritarianism and human rights abuses such as the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the Holocaust. We study the cultural legacy of the British Empire.  


Students learn how religion has shaped attitudes from the medieval period through the Reformation and into the 20th century with American Civil Rights. 

Modern foreign languages

Reflecting on beliefs and respecting others’: Y7+Y10 French learning school rules and links to French values liberté, égalité, fraternité e.g religion not taught in French schools

Y7-Y11 Spanish: celebrating Dia de los Muertos, reflecting on alternatives attitudes to death

Imagination/Creativity: Y7 French designing dream school, Y8 French designing dream town

Learning about how festivals are celebrated in French e.g la galette des rois hiding King figurine in cake, la chandeleur holding euro coin in hand, Christmas dinner eaten on Christmas Eve etc.

Performing Arts (Music/Drama)

Expressing feelings about music and showing respect for others’ feelings/views.

Understanding own and others’ beliefs, values and feelings and drawing on these to perform a variety of characters.

Using creativity and imagination when performing and composing music/devising drama.

Building confidence and self-esteem.

Reflecting on and evaluating own work – working towards self-set targets.



PE provides opportunities for students to explore their inner self through physical activity, fostering a sense of personal identity, self-awareness, and emotional well-being. Activities such as mindfulness exercises, reflection on personal achievements, and team-building activities can enhance students' spiritual growth.

Digital Communications

Students are encouraged to deploy creative and imaginative skills to aspects of digital design through programs such as Photoshop and illustrator.

KS4 project into BBFC, film and game violence explores student beliefs and own perspectives.

Students explore media releases from around the world, encouraging them to explore global trends in media consumption and not just a focus on their own experience.

Health and Social Care

Personal Beliefs and Development: Students are encouraged to reflect on and discuss their own beliefs and how these relate to issues within their local community and nationally. This reflective practice fosters personal and professional growth.

Creative and Resilient Thinking: The curriculum promotes creativity and resilience, encouraging students to develop balanced viewpoints and reflect on their progress with the support of teacher feedback. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively on various tasks and projects throughout the curriculum, with roles and responsibilities being fairly shared to stretch and challenge appropriately.

Lived Experiences: The curriculum is designed to encourage students to reflect on their own lived experiences, and share these with others to create a cohesive, well informed, wealth of knowledge so that students can articulate responses from multiple perspectives.

Food Technology

Providing students with the opportunity to participate in making and evaluating food from other countries learning about others from the world around them.

Acknowledging and exploring government guidelines for healthy eating and dietary requirements to make healthy life choices.

By offering feedback and assessment that values pupils’ effort and achievements.

Mutual respect is developed through the process of peer evaluation of each other’s work and standards. A pupil’s ability to self-reflect is developed through self-assessment.

Both classroom and practical based lessons in Food offer pupils the opportunity to reflect on their experiences, use their imagination and creativity when cooking.

Moral Development

The Hungerhill curriculum enables our students to:

  • recognise the difference between right and wrong, recognise legal boundaries and respect the civil and criminal law of England 
  • understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions 
  • develop an interest in offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, showing ability to understand and appreciate others’ viewpoints

Examples from across the Hungerhill Curriculum:


Evidence of Current SMSC Opportunities



Through the selection of literature texts students see the consequences of actions through key characters and the relevance in society today of an awareness of the differences between right and wrong.


Use of speaking and listening tasks embedded within the curriculum to enable students to explore and express their viewpoints to their peers and debate each other’s point of view in a safe, constructive way.


Opportunities for students to develop understanding of personal finance. Y9 students study a series of lessons on borrowing, saving and budgeting.

Students are taught certain concepts in a real-life context such as compound measures, constructions, plans & elevations and proportion.

Wider curriculum opportunities for students to work in teams and competitive environments, including the UKMT individual and team maths challenge.

Mensuration links to trades are exploited, including real-life examples regarding painting, materials and capacity.

A study of probability lends itself to considerations of gambling, betting, lotteries, raffles and games of chance.  Our students are encouraged to weigh up the pros and cons of taking part in such activities, alongside discussions of whether gambling is a ‘safe’ activity


- In science the look at ethical issues and come up balanced arguments as why things may be right or wrong. (e.g Stem cells etc)

- Student look at the consequences of actions such as global warming, fossil fuels, Farming, Drugs etc.

Art and design

Art helps students to gain the ability to apply understanding of right and wrong to their own lives, GCSE students can explore art that has moral or ethical meaning. Students must have an open mind when observing work allowing them to appreciate others viewpoint. They are encouraged to give appropriate feedback to peers in a variety of ways, giving justification for their views. Students can apply this to their daily lives ensuring that they are able to voice opinions in the appropriate way. Behaviour expectations are high to ensure the Health and Safety of the students within a practical subject. Within the department clear consistent department rules will be enforced.


KS3: All students have Citizenship lessons fortnightly. They follow the Votes4Schools topics and the oracy debate model. Students consider moral issues e.g how do you compensate for injustice/should the legal age of mobile phone ownership be raised. They listen to other students’ viewpoints and present their own in oral debates.


KS4: All students sit AQA GCSE Citizenship in Y10. As part of the course, they learn to:

know and understand the role of the law in society, how laws are shaped and enforced and how the justice system works in England and Wales

Digital Communications

KS3 explores e-safety in all projects and look at the moral implications of both being the victim and the instigator of online issues. Students learn the consequences of being involved in cyber-bullying and other e-safety issues.

KS4 explores the role of the BBFC, PEGI and other morla code systems within the media.

Design and technology

 Learners are faced with numerous moral decisions throughout the design process.  This includes selecting materials and methods of manufacture, working for specific clients and meeting the needs of specific users. Understand the sustainability of products and how they impact the environment.  They also begin to understand the of new technologies and how these can often be used to solve existing problems but often create their own moral dilemmas.  The 6R’s are routinely discussed and referred to throughout the design process. Within the learning environment and wider D&T community pupils are expected to show respect to others and take responsibility for their own actions, especially during dangerous manufacturing activities.


In Geography we see it as important that students understand the issues faced by people in different parts of the world and develop an opinion towards them. Year 8 recently looked at how people in parts of Africa face tougher working and living conditions due to decisions made in more economically developed countries.

KS3 Geographers discuss the impact of climate change on fragile landscapes such as Antarctica and the Arctic.

GCSE students question the likelihood of impacts such as global temperature change and how we would adapt our lives to survive, especially as our demand for resources is ever growing.


GCSE students also discuss how the UK copes with extreme weather events and the impact that has on people.


We have a knowledge-based curriculum covering a range of different cultures and backgrounds. 


History teaches the changes in attitudes and social mores throughout the centuries. We discuss moral issues relating to authoritarianism and human rights abuses such as the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the Holocaust. We study the cultural legacy of the British Empire.  


Students learn how religion has shaped attitudes from the medieval period through the Reformation and into the 20th century with American Civil Rights. 

Modern foreign languages

Y10 French: debating whether French schools should allow students to wear religious signs e.g headscarves and the morality of violence towards French Headteachers upholding this law


KS4 French: learning to discuss reasons why people smoke/drink alcohol/take illegal drugs and the consequences of these vices

Performing Arts (Music/Drama)

Valuing own work and having critical discussions about this and the work of others’.

Promotion of “right and wrong” through team work.

Experiencing the morality around war (Y8 Drama)


PE encourages students to develop values such as fairness, respect, and integrity through participation in team sports, adherence to rules, and consideration for others. Teachers often put an emphasis on the importance of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play, reinforcing moral principles both on and off the field.

Health and Social Care

Ethical Discussions: The curriculum includes discussions on values, attitudes, and beliefs regarding ethical and social issues. Students explore concepts of equality, diversity, rights, and protected characteristics, learning about discriminatory practices and methods to combat them.

National Initiatives: Students gain knowledge about national policies promoting anti-discriminatory practices in health and social care settings, reinforcing the importance of ethical behaviour in professional environments. For example, looking at the 6 Cs of Care and how these are demonstrated through various job roles within the Health and Social Care field.

Health Promotion Campaigns: Students engage in health promotion projects, applying ethical considerations to real-world scenarios, particularly when addressing younger audiences.

Food Technology

By developing individual skills, confidence, independence and creativity through practical cooking lessons. Pupils learn and make decisions about food safety and hygiene.

Promoting participation and teamwork in practical cooking lessons – encouraging pupils to work co-operatively.

Reflecting on the ethical issues around food such as price, income, fair trade, food miles and sustainability. Opportunities are provided to appreciate the views of others.

Reflecting on the moral issues concerning food production in other countries of the world.

Lessons and extra-curricular activities are offered so that pupils have enjoyment and a fascination to learn about the food they eat

Social Development

The Hungerhill curriculum enables our students to:

  • use of a range of social skills in different contexts, for example working and socialising with other pupils, including those from different backgrounds 
  • co-operate well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively 
  • accept and engage with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Examples from across the Hungerhill Curriculum:


Evidence of Current SMSC Opportunities


Through the diverse, rich, ambitious curriculum, students experience a range of opportunities to participate in authentic discussions including external speakers who share their life experiences enabling the students to consider the wider world we live in and their role as active, responsible citizens.


Key units of work within each year group enable students to explore and build their understanding of British values giving them the necessary social skills necessary beyond the classroom and their local communities



Mathematics lessons use a range of teaching and learning strategies.  Sometimes independent study is required, other times pair work or group work essential.  All students are encouraged to verbalise their reasoning to others and indeed their thought processes.

There are many ‘real life’ applications of maths which have implications for students' further study or indeed careers, or use of maths in their life outside of school. These include Percentages, Trigonometry, Compound Measures and Constructions. Estimation is a great method for checking calculations when in shops, equally checking whether something is good value for money.

We develop understanding in statistics to a depth which should equip them with the ability to tell when statistics are meaningful or being used inappropriately (eg in newspapers or on social media).  We encourage pupils to consider sample size, bias, methodology and overall meaning.  Correlation does not necessarily imply causation – many correlations are totally spurious.


- Students often work in teams for practical work.

- Students often work in pairs to discuss ideas and thoughts in lessons.

- The effect of things considered social activities in adults For example smoking, vaping, drug use, Alcohol intake

- Look at British law. E.g. Drink driving and reaction time, genetically modified food, food colouring.

Art and design

Pupils are encouraged to communicate with each other. Through their investigations and research work students are encouraged to consider the impact of art and design on society. In all years, through group critiques students are encouraged to discuss their ideas; share thoughts are provide constructive advice within group discussions as a way for students to improve their own work and move forward with their ideas. Student’s work is celebrated through an end of year exhibition, where parents and friends can experience and appreciate the hard work of our talented students.

In all year's students are encouraged to work and tidy up in cooperation with others, either in pairs or within larger groups.


All students sit AQA GCSE Citizenship in Y10. Students learn to:

know and understand what democracy is, how parliamentary democracy operates within the constituent parts of the UK, how government works and how democratic and non-democratic systems of government are different beyond the UK

know and understand the relationship between the state and citizens, the rights, responsibilities and duties of citizens living and working in the UK and how people participate in democracy

know and understand the role of the law in society, how laws are shaped and enforced and how the justice system works in England and Wales


Design and technology

Learners are often asked to design and make products to meet the needs of users or clients by receiving valuable feedback from others.  Learners must show mutual respect when working collaboratively with others. Peer evaluation of designed and made items is a vital mechanism for individual progress. Learners learn to articulate their own thoughts and feelings about their own and other’s work.  To do this they need to take constructive criticism without offence and provide constructive feedback with is carefully considered.


Students work in groups regularly to discuss and debate ideas which develops their interpersonal and communication skills.


Students explore multiple different countries and cultures throughout KS3 and KS4 including Nigeria, India, Russia, Africa, Middle East to name a few.

Learners must show mutual respect when working collaboratively with others.

Tolerance and respect are taught throughout debate and opinion based questions which underpin a lot of what Geography is about in KS3 and KS4.


We have a knowledge-based curriculum covering a range of different cultures and backgrounds. 


History teaches the changes in attitudes and social mores throughout the centuries. We discuss moral issues relating to authoritarianism and human rights abuses such as the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the Holocaust. We study the cultural legacy of the British Empire.  


Students learn how religion has shaped attitudes from the medieval period through the Reformation and into the 20th century with American Civil Rights. 

Modern foreign languages

Language leaders volunteer their time to support departmental activities e.g Dia de los Muertos celebrations

All MFL students participate in speaking activities in pairs/small groups at least every other lesson. These develop their interpersonal and communication skills.

All French students work with Malou, our French Language Assistant several times throughout the year.

Performing Arts (Music/Drama)

Working with others and developing communication skills.

Developing patience and resilience.

Learning how to be an appreciative audience member.


PE promotes social interaction, cooperation, and teamwork among students through group activities, team sports, and collaborative challenges. By working together towards common goals, students learn valuable interpersonal skills, communication techniques, and conflict resolution strategies, fostering positive relationships and mutual respect.

Digital Communications


Many projects throughout the KS3 IT curriculum are based around peer support and Team work, including activities based around group reading.

At KS4 in iMedia, the role of British media companies is explored and leading British projects such as London 2012, Bulletproof Designs collab with Cadbury’s and artists such as Drew Millward are explored to showcase the best of British design.

Health and Social Care

Group Work: Students are encouraged to work in various group settings, fostering teamwork, acceptance, and collaborative skills. This exposure helps students appreciate diverse perspectives and roles within different societies and cultures. When working collaboratively students are expected to utilise various employability skills to stay on task to meet their end goal and deadlines, this helps students to build their interpersonal skills.

Cultural Sensitivity: Lessons emphasise understanding and respecting diverse cultural and societal values and needs, preparing students to navigate and respect diversity in their professional practice. The curriculum is designed to encompass British values which are embedded throughout Y9 – Y11 learning journeys, with focus on how these contribute positively to the wider community.

Food Technology

Positive and effective links are made with the world of work and wider community through Baking Club at KS3.

Speaker visitors.

Student Leadership opportunities at KS4.

Cultural Development

The Hungerhill curriculum enables our students to:

  • appreciate the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain  
  • recognise, and value, the things we share in common across cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities 
  • gain knowledge of Britain’s democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values
  • be willing to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and other cultural opportunities, showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity 
  • understand, accept and respect diversity

Examples from across the Hungerhill Curriculum:


Evidence of Current SMSC Opportunities


A range of rich texts within the English and wider curriculum help pupils to explore different cultures and backgrounds

Students are then able to understand, accept and respect diversity within the school and wider communities


To bring teaching units to life, where possible, author/poet visits support the curriculum alongside theatre experiences both on and off the school site


All mathematics has a rich history and a cultural context in which it was first discovered or used.  The most ancient of our knowledge we owe to the Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks and Arab and Vedic mathematicians.  The opportunity to consider the lives of specific mathematicians is linked with, Pythagoras, Fibonacci and Venn.

Links to art are exploited when teaching tessellation and ratio. The golden ratio is evident in most portraiture for drawing faces.

This adds to the awe and wonder of maths as much of this work came about before the advent of the calculator!


- Students look at the impact of costs of processes. e.g electrolysis, extracting metals electricity production

- Students look at the historical context of science and how things can change over time. E.g model of the atom, big bang theory,

- Cultural difference about what Scientific thoerys and ideas are accepted. E.g Contraception, Use of animal tissues for transplant, deforrestation,

Art and design

In Art we incorporate a range of critical and contextual influences and inspirations, covering a variety of cultures, belief and ideas. Students are encouraged to appreciate that all cultures have expression, purpose and artistic worth.

Pupils research the work of famous artists as contextual reference for their own development in each project.

Pupils review and reflect work: assessment for Learning activities are undertaken, thereby allowing pupils to assess each other’s work, considering feelings and empathising with others

Pupils are encouraged to visit a range of galleries to broaden pupils’ cultural experience

Students will participate in workshops with visiting artists.

Students can attend art clubs and intervention sessions weekly.

Students are encouraged to become an Art Ambassador for the department. The role of an art ambassador is to assist the department in creating artwork for and helping to set up the Creative arts evening at the end of each year, to assist in KS3 art club sessions, to help fairly judge art competitions which take place throughout the year.

Design and technology

Learners are taught that all their design work should be sensitive to the needs and beliefs of different backgrounds and that their choice of imagery, text and products do not offend others.  Learners must consider how their ideas and products can impact the world and community around them.  Learners are encouraged to use the work of artists and iconic designers from a wide range of cultures and historical contexts to influence and support the sensitive development of their work.


All students explore different cultures and ways of lives within the following areas of the curriculum


Year 7-Siberia- how people adapt their way of life

Year 8-  Exploring different communities within Africa

Year 9- Evaluating how indigenous communities use and adapt their customs and culture to life in the Amazon Rainforest

Year 10/11- Exploring different cultures within the context of Nigeria and Mumbai.

Modern foreign languages

All French students: regularly working with Malou, our French Language Assistant, in small groups. This allows them to discuss differences in French and British culture in detail and ask questions of a native speaker, rather than MFL teachers.

Y7 French: current topic based on Paris Olympics 2024

Y8 French learning about French food and drink e.g hot chocolate from a bowl, tea without milk, diabolo menthe etc.

KS4 Paris Trip

KS4 Madrid Trip

Y9 French Food Tasting experience May 2024

All French students: Madame Crêpe

Spanish students: La Fiesta restaurant trip


Performing Arts (Music/Drama)

Showing respect for, and appreciation of, different cultures through plays/musical genres studied.

Exploring the social, cultural, and historical context of specific plays/pieces of music

Understanding different job roles within the performing arts industry.  Watching and analysing existing performances in preparation for their own


PE exposes students to a diverse range of sporting activities, games, and traditions from different cultures and backgrounds, promoting cultural awareness, appreciation, and understanding. Learning about the history, customs, and significance of various sports and physical activities helps students develop respect for cultural diversity and global perspectives.

Discovery lessons focus on emerging sports from different countries such as Tchoukball, Ultimate frisbee, futsal. 

Digital Communications

Throughout KS3 and 4, students are exposed to the trend of demographics and how audience can influence media texts.  Students learn about cultural diversity, ethnicity and economic factors that affect how people across the world interact and explore the media and use ICT.

At KS4, British graphic designer, the influence of WW1 and 2 on cultural changes and the BBFC/ PEGI are investigated as part of the iMedia exam project.

Grpahics students are encouraged to showcase their own creative work at the annual Creative arts evening and show an appreciation for the other arts (music, fine art, drama) that are participating in the event.  Students are given the opportunity to photograph the event in support of other students.

Religious education

Y8 Curriculum Focus Day 1 – learning about Islam

Y8 Curriculum Focus Day 2 – learning about Buddhism, with a visit from a Buddhist leader

Y8 Curriculum Focus Day 3 – learning about Sikhism


Y9 Faith Tour – all Y9 students visit 3 places of worship (Christian, Muslim and Hindu), allowing them to meet the religious leaders for Q and A sessions and have a 1st hand experience of religious builidngs and artefacts.

Health and Social Care

Understanding Diverse Needs: The coursework includes studies on how diverse cultural backgrounds impact health and wellbeing. This understanding is integrated into evaluations of health and social care provision, ensuring culturally competent care.

Faith and Health Behaviours: Students examine how various cultures and faiths influence health behaviours and access to services, promoting respect and effective care for diverse populations.

Gender and Sexuality: Student explore how gender norms within society have evolved over time and the positive impact this has had within society. A series of lessons explore gender stereotypes, gender-based expectations and gender roles within society.

Food Technology

Giving pupils the opportunity to explore cultural differences in food and diet.

Pupils are encouraged to recognise and respect cultural and social differences of other pupils within food lessons.

Pupils learn to cook a variety of recipes including traditional British foods and world foods.

Pupils learn about Government guidance given on Healthy Eating and the concern for the health of the British population.