START Careers Platform
What is the start careers platform?
To strengthen our careers provision at Hungerhill further and to prepare students for the wider world of further education and employment, this academic year we have launched a new careers platform called START.
'START' is a digital careers platform designed to help students with their study choices, explore careers, stand out from the crowd with CV writing and interviews and apply for courses, work experience, apprenticeships and more.
Careers guidance can not only help your child to make more informed decisions, but it can also inspire them to achieve new goals and to maximise their time in school. If students have a clear vision about their future career path, they are inevitably more confident about making their post-16 choices and have a firmer understanding of the requirements needed to pursue certain courses/careers.
START is a great platform to complement our careers programme at Hungerhill, allowing students to become more informed on all aspects of careers, record their careers experiences and help build a clear vision for the future.
Go to the webpage:
Students: sign in with Microsoft to enable you to access all features of the platform, as shown below.
Parents: You do not need to register to access most of the information on START, however some features such as Start Profile and virtual work insights do require you to create an account, to do this click on Login in the main menu and click on 'register as a new user’.